340 Market St. Kingston, PA 18704


About blu door FINANCIAL

our background

At blu door Financial, we sincerely believe that most people want to do what’s right: right for themselves, right for their families, and right for their communities. In fact, that’s one of the reasons we created this firm. After years of working for someone else, we wanted the opportunity to control our own destiny, and to do what we thought was best for our clients.

You can take comfort in the fact that we have been a part of this community for decades, we were born and raised here and have a vested interest in seeing our friends and neighbors succeed. In fact, we probably have many of the same hopes and aspirations as you, and we'll be happy to share all the resources and information our firm has to offer.

Depending on your needs, we can introduce you to some proven dependable ways to help protect your family’s lifestyle and future; or prepare for major financial events such as paying for college, saving for retirement, or caring for an aging relative.

If you’re wondering about our qualifications, you may find it reassuring to know that our team has over 85 years of combined experience in the financial services industry.

The name, "blu door Financial" is NEW - but the people are NOT. We founded this firm with the intent of bringing together a team of experienced professionals so our clients and their families could have a place to go that would provide the necessary financial resources to get the job done successfully the first time.

So if you’re looking for a "Team" – with decades of experience – vs. an individual, we would be happy to work with you. Please let us know and contact us at info@bludoorfinancial.com

our team

Stephen B. Vanesko




Stephen B. Vanesko

Founding Partner

Kristopher D. Vanesko




Kristopher D. Vanesko

Founding Partner

Lynn Finkbeiner

Lynn Finkbeiner

Licensed Service Assistant
“follow up is my business”

Tammy Satkowski

Tammy Satkowski

Executive Assistant /
Office Manager